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I Choose To Spend New Year’s Eve Alone Every Year, Despite Getting Multiple Invites.

I Choose To Spend New Year’s Eve Alone Every Year, Despite Getting Multiple Invites.

Ways to spend New Year’s Eve alone

New Year’s Eve is coming. Everyone will probably be with their loved ones, counting down to the new year. And then, there’s me. I’ve been celebrating New Year’s Eve alone for multiple years now.


It’s not that I don’t get invited to parties and dinners; I just decline them all. I choose to stay at home and spend the entire night by myself. It’s not like I’m depressed or anything. It’s just that I want to reflect on all of my ups and downs for the year in peace and solitude.

I think it’s also partly because I’m at the age where I prefer peaceful nights in, instead of a chaotic night out. Here’s how I spend quality time alone during New Year’s Eve.

I reflect and make new resolutions

The last day of the year is a perfect time for self-reflection. I usually write my reflections in a notebook instead of typing them out on my mobile devices. I read somewhere this allows you to recall things better.

It’s an excellent opportunity to be truly introspective without any distractions. I usually make a list of my accomplishments, and congratulate myself with a small online shopping spree or snack. I’ll also make a list of things I felt I could have done better, so that I can improve on them the following year.

New Year’s Eve is also an excellent time to make resolutions. These can range from general life improvements to specific concerns. I’ll write them on two small pieces of paper. I’ll keep one in my wallet to remind me of what I need to accomplish or improve on, and the other in a small “new year resolution” box I keep on my table as a backup, in case I misplace the one in my wallet.

I prepare home-cooked meals

I prefer healthy home-cooked meals as opposed to greasy party food. I’m not a chef, but I can prepare simple meals and follow recipes. ABC soup with pork ribs and fried eggs with onions are some of my favourite dishes. I think it’s because I grew up eating it, and my grandmother always makes it for me when I come over for dinner. I will usually watch a show and eat so that the house won’t be so silent.

When I’m cooking, I’ll reflect on the food I’ve eaten that year. This makes me strive to treat my body even better the following year. Therefore, I really cherish the times when I can have a healthy, balanced meal at home.

I pamper my skin

New Year's Eve Alone self care

My hectic schedule makes it difficult to care for my skin because whenever I get home, I shower and immediately fall asleep. My skin is screaming for help. Therefore, I use New Year’s Eve as an opportunity to do whatever I can to save my skin.

I love shopping for new skincare products because most of the ones in my cupboard have probably expired.

Once I’m home, I’ll curl up on my bed with a book, a mask on, and a scented candle lit. I want to have fun and spoil myself before the grind of the new year begins again.

If you spend New Year’s Eve alone, you can just treat yourself

By keeping myself occupied with these wholesome activities, I won’t FOMO for missing out on New Year’s Eve parties. If you’re debating whether to spend New Year’s Eve alone this year, I say give it a shot; you’ll love it. As an INFJ, this alone time is extremely valuable because it gives me a break from my obligations to others and allows me to focus on myself.

Tell us below how you’ll spend New Year’s Eve this year!

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