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Countdown Party, Who? I’ve Celebrated New Year’s Eve At Work The Past 5 Years. And I Love It.

Countdown Party, Who? I’ve Celebrated New Year’s Eve At Work The Past 5 Years. And I Love It.

I celebrate New Year’s Eve at work

Everywhere I look, everyone seems to be looking forward to New Year’s Eve. Everyone, except me. 2022 was just another year for me; nothing special. Here’s how much I really don’t care for New Year’s Eve. For the past five years, I’ve spent New Year’s Eve at work. And I freaking love it.

It may seem sad and ridiculous to some of you, but that’s what happens when you work in one of the busiest restaurants in Singapore. My restaurant is conveniently located near Marina Bay Sands which means it sees a sh*tload of customers during the countdown. I could apply for off but why would I do that?

New Year's Eve at work - fireworks

The bonus I get for working during holidays is insane! Plus, I get a prime view of the fireworks without having to fight my way through a crowd. I’m essentially paid to enjoy the countdown perks without any of its drawbacks. In fact, I’ve seen so many firework shows that I’ve grown bored of them. The best thing about serving the holiday customers is that they’re really generous; I’ll get tips and drinks as tokens of appreciation from them. I have clearly no complaints about that.

That being said, working during New Year’s Eve does have its sad moments. I’ve had to reject my friends’ requests for gatherings, which has made me miss out on tea and crucial bonding moments. But when I look at my bank account afterwards, I immediately become happy again.

Will I spend New Year’s Eve at work again this year?

2023 is coming real soon, and I’m curious to see how this year’s New Year’s Eve will turn out. Will I continue my streak of working or will I finally spend some quality time with my loved ones?

Let me know how you celebrate New Year’s Eve below!

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