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I Watch Christmas Movies As Early As November. Here Are The Best Christmas Movies Of All Time.

I Watch Christmas Movies As Early As November. Here Are The Best Christmas Movies Of All Time.

The best Christmas movies of all time

Christmas is my favorite holiday of all time. As a big movie fan, I can usually watch three or four Christmas movies in one sitting during the holidays. Some of you might think they’re cringey but I think Christmas movies are fun due to their positive values. As a seasoned watcher, I think these are some of the best Christmas movies of all time that are not Home Alone, It’s A Wonderful Life, and Elf.

Disney’s A Christmas Carol

Credit: Disney

I first watched this in cinemas, and it really wowed me. The visuals. The compelling storyline. Alan Menken’s amazing musical score. 10/10 all around.

You can feel the enchantment of the holidays by watching this film. The animation effects are detailed, especially during character close-ups. You can see the amount of effort they put in to make the characters look more realistic. This film is now on Disney+ if you want to add it to your watchlist.

Christmas Vibes: 10/10
Message: 10/10
Visuals: 10/10
Entertainment Value: 10/10

Overall: 10/10

Miracle On 34th Street (1947)

Credit: Disney+

This is without a doubt a Christmas classic. It’s a movie about a divorced New York mother who hires a nice old man to play Santa Claus at Macy’s department store. The old man then proceeds to claim that he’s Santa. When his sanity is called into question, a lawyer defends him by saying he is not hallucinating.

A genuinely emotional Christmas film that has withstood the test of time, this version of Miracle On 34th Street will always be the best one due to the actors’ emotional impact. You might just believe in Santa Claus after watching this film. It is now on Disney+ if you want to add it to your watchlist.

Christmas Vibes: 10/10
Message: 9/10
Visuals: 9/10
Entertainment Value: 10/10
Concept: 9/10

Overall: 9/10

Little Women (2019)

best Christmas movies Florence Pugh
Credit: Sony Pictures

This film was only released in 2019 but I’ve been watching it every December since then. This film has incredible cinematography and a star-studded cast that includes Timothée Chalamet, Meryl Streep, Emma Watson, and Florence Pugh. It also has a touching story with emotional resonance.

This film received six Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture. It’s an emotional rollercoaster and is on its way to becoming a classic.

As someone with three younger sisters, I believe you should watch Little Women with the entire family as it depicts the true power of familial bonds. This film is now on Netflix if you want to add it to your watchlist.

Christmas Vibes: 9/10
Message: 9/10
Visuals: 9/10
Entertainment Value: 10/10
Concept: 9/10

Overall: 9/10

Watch the best Christmas movies of all time this holiday season

I hope you will add some of these recommendations to your watchlist and enjoy them with your family as much as I did with mine.

What’s your favorite Christmas movie? Tell us below!

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