The Best Videos Of 2022 That Made Me A Stronger Person

Best videos of 2022
As a social media native and videographer, I have to watch videos daily. YouTube, Instagram Reels, TikTok. You name it, I’ve watched it. The start of 2022 gave me multiple challenges and through the power of video algorithms, I ended up watching a lot of motivational videos on self-improvement. Somehow, the habit stuck and I decided to become a better version of myself each and every day. These are the best videos of 2022 that changed my life and gave me a new perspective.
You Don’t Need Others To Make You Feel Happy by Gary Vee
“Am I living for myself or for the sake of others?”
That was something I kept wondering to myself. Since I was a child, I have been listening resolutely to my parents and ended up doing things I had no interest in like orchestra. Because I wasn’t not confident, I allowed people’s comments and expectations to affect me as I grew older. I ended up becoming a people-pleaser.
After watching this video, I realised that whatever people say about you shouldn’t matter, especially if it’s from a stranger. You should listen to the advice of people who genuinely care about you. However, do not do it simply because they say so. Rather, focus on what makes you happy. That’s what’s important. We should start to live our lives our way and make our own decisions.
How To Find The Perfect Relationship by Adam Roa
For the longest time, I struggled with self-love. I was never comfortable with the way I looked, talked, or did things. I always wanted to know how to love myself. I had a heartbreak earlier this year and my life came crashing down. Thus, I made an effort to do things for myself and practise self-love for the first time ever.
Adam Roa mentioned how we often filled other people’s cups with compliments whilst being hard on ourselves.
And it’s true.
I was constantly giving compliments to my friends while neglecting myself. Even though I appeared fine in the eyes of others, I always looked in the mirror with disgust.
After watching the video, I realised that I should treat myself the same way I treated others. I am enough as I am. It drastically altered my perspective on self-love and now, I strive to live as positively as possible.
You Can Be A Hero Too
Thai ads always make me cry. The main character in the video reminds me of myself. I am constantly giving to others while neglecting myself. I always hope for the best for others, but what about me? My happiness has always been dependent on others because I enjoy seeing people smile.
Everyone always reminds me to put others before myself, but it is a difficult thing for me to do.
Please watch this video if you haven’t already. It is truly life-changing. A simple act of kindness can actually help someone and make the world a better place.
Homeless Asks Strangers for Money, Then Gives 100x What They Gave Him
This was the first social experiment that actually made me reflect. It is truly upsetting to see how people can be unhelpful when it comes to assisting the homeless. It’s understandable if you don’t have any cash on hand, but I believe giving them the chance to buy food is another way to help them.
Some people are even rude to homeless people, which is completely unacceptable. Ironically, those who are homeless are more willing to give. It’s really heartwarming yet bittersweet. I hope people will be more kind to one another.
The Power of Love
Love is a strong emotion as it has the ability to drastically affect the people in our lives. Consistency is essential if we want love. We frequently give up when things do not go our way. But it is consistency that makes things work.
Being consistent allows others to see your effort. The little things that you do can move someone and make them appreciate you.

This video taught me not to give up easily and to remember that we reap what we sow. Good things take time to develop, and patience is a virtue. If you put in consistent effort, you will get what you deserve, and it will all be worth it in the end.
What are your best videos of 2022?
These are a few of the videos that have inspired and motivated me, as well as changed my life. I hope you add some of these suggestions to your watchlist and that they have an impact on your life.
Tell us below about the videos that changed your life this year!