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We Created A Quiz For Some Of SG’s Most Influential People, And We’re Giving You A Sneak Peek

We Created A Quiz For Some Of SG’s Most Influential People, And We’re Giving You A Sneak Peek

Collaborator Quiz By Savour365

Savour365 is hosting our launch party real soon, and loads of fun and important people are gonna be there! Why are we telling you this? Part of it is to flex. BUT the real reason is because before we let these cool friends of ours try it, we want YOU, our loyal readers, to try our very first collaborator quiz!

Thanks to years of research (and guesswork from our editor), our “What Kind Of Collaborator Are You?” quiz determines the best way you work in a team. So you finally can have a great comeback when your boss says “This is not the right way to work.”

So without further ado, here is Savour365’s very first quiz! Try it and let us know what you got!


What Kind Of Collaborator Are You?

1 / 10

How would you describe yourself?

2 / 10

You're in charge of planning the next company event. You:

3 / 10

You work best:

4 / 10

It's 5:30pm. You:

5 / 10

Your dream job is:

6 / 10

You finally have an off-day! You:

7 / 10

The guest speaker for your event suddenly needs to be overseas and has to back out. You:

8 / 10

Everyone in your department has been given a $1,000 bonus for performing well. You:

9 / 10

The whole department is sick, and you're the only one in office. You:

10 / 10

Your greatest fear is:

Tell us what kind of quizzes you want in the future below, and we’ll invite the person with the most interesting idea to our Savour365 launch!

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