chinese new year

chinese new year
I’m Chinese But Have Grown To Hate Chinese New Year.

As I grow older, it seems like every Chinese New Year is just another occasion…

chinese new year red packet money
Why I’m Cool With My Parents Taking All My Red Packet Money.

I give my parents all my red packet money This happened when I was still…

chinese new year reunion dinners
I Love Reunion Dinners So Much That They’re A Highlight Of My Year. Here’s Why.

Why I really love reunion dinners As someone who grew up with a huge extended…

chinese new year greetings
As Someone Who Can Barely Speak Chinese, This Is My Chinese New Year Greetings Cheat Sheet.

Chinese New Year Greetings If you grew up watching Channel 8 dramas but only reading…

chinese new year superstitions
Chinese New Year Superstitions I Never Understood.

Chinese New Year Superstitions As a Chinese man, I grew up having to follow loads…